Profile photo credit: Vinita Salomé Photography
Hi, I'm Cigdem! 
I am the graphic designer behind Crocusfield, collaborating with small business owners to create custom-made designs that match their vision and elevate their brand. Born and raised in Turkey, since my childhood days I have always been interested in arts and crafts, pretty confident that I would choose a professional route in design. My weekends by then were filled with painting and model drawing sessions in art galleries, listening to the conversations between famous artists of that time in Turkey, getting inspired. I always loved surprising my loved ones with home made gifts and creations. Not only I enjoyed the creation process, but also seeing their reactions when they received a unique custom made surprise made with love and attention gave me the pleasure to keep this doing for a life time. Both privately and professionally. 
During my university years, I have never regretted my choice about studying fine arts and graphic design, enjoying and cherishing every moment of it. I had great work experiences afterwards, thanks to our mobile life with my husband, that made us discover new cultures and cities, bringing excitement and challenges to our lives. 
" The best way for me to get inspired is simply to go on a walk at the woods, beach or in the narrow streets of town where I easily get lost in my head and discover hidden gems. 
I check out things in nature, follow my steps to design stores or catch some architectural details and draw them down. Always accompanied with a good cafe latte."

My purpose and approach 
Being a mother came with priorities and I have decided to work independently, setting up Crocusfield in The Hague a couple of years ago. Simultaneously I have joined WBII, The Hague, a great not-for-profit association which includes a network and platform of women entrepreneurs motivated to succeed. Participating voluntarily within this community made me realise how much I enjoy collaborating with those wonderful and successful small business owners. This community care gave me the idea to dedicate my creativity to small business owners, helping them create unique designs that raise their brand to a higher level. Just as I like surprising people with my creations in my personal life, professionally I thrive from:
✻  working hand in hand, in partnership with the small business owners
✻  making them feel they are a part of the creation process
✻  seeing the work I create with love and care, fulfilling their dreams 
✻  reflecting your brand personality, transforming your small business into a recognizable brand.
My education
I have been drawing since I can remember. I always wanted to become a designer, painter or an architect. Therefore studying with a full scholarship at the Graphic Design Department of Bilkent University's Fine Arts Faculty in Turkey was not unexpected. After I had my BA degree in 2001, I had a chance to study a year in Italy, Florence at Accademia Italiana, doing a master course in Interior & Product  Design (2003) and exploring admirable Italian culture and language. ​​​​​​​
My experience
After having worked as a designer and art-director in different reputable graphic design studios in Ankara, Turkey and London since 2003, I have decided to set Crocusfield up in our current home town The Hague, in February 2019. Since then I have been working together with a variety of passionate small business owners, constantly developing myself in different areas, learning, sharing and discovering. 
My clients say I am:
dedicated, true to my word, warm and understanding, patient, good in following-up and imaginative...
My enjoyments:
long walks
I take myself out for a walk everyday for an hour
I love creating and wearing authentic jewellery
playing tennis
After a long break, back in the courts again
One of my oldest pleasures since I was a little girl
cooking healthy food
I enjoy trying exciting recipes for my family to spice up our life
2 cups of coffee a day
I always look forward to my next one
swimming in the mediterranean
Aegean blue waters are where my heart belongs
My silversmithing work
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